Dr. Goldade is now booking:
a) New Consults in April/May 2025
b) Follow up appointments in July/August 2025
Patients needing follow-up are booked to be seen usually every 6-8 months (to help keep an eye on your child's height, weight and general well being). If they have not actually been seen (in person or Virtually) in over 12 months, we will consider the matter resolved and close the file. Prescription refills and/or interim emails do not count as a Visit.
If your Family Physician feels that your child still needs paediatric specialty care, they are welcome to refer your child back to Dr. Goldade at their discretion.
Fax: 403-255-9322
Mailing Address: 1901, 530 - 12 Avenue SW Calgary Alberta T2R 0B1